Lumanor LED Lamps - Media - Dimming Centre
Lumanor 5W & 6W Dimmable COB GU10
At Lumanor, we believe it is not enough to just tell people how great our product is. We need to prove it.
So, after extensive testing, we have put together a list of what industry leading lighting-control and dimming companies think of our COB GU10 range of LED lamps.
Scroll down to find out what they had to say about our lamps!

“Dimming performance was very good for all of our tested controls after we adjusted min (and max where applicable) trim levels.”
“This is a good lamp. A flicker below 1% brightness is the only noticeable feature of an otherwise excellent lamp, but this is at a brightness level that many other lamps can't even get down to”
“Both lamps dim smoothly with the ZGRID500.”
“Very good performance, stable, smooth with a wide dimming range**.”
**Tested on the Mercury Dimming System 4 x 600W (MDP 4x600, DK1KIT)
“The lamps gave a good result*”
*COBGU10106WWD GU10 6W 220V LED lamp (DBGU100106-220) tested with an Evolution and Tiger leading edge dimming card with manual rotary control (1 to 6 lamps)
“Testing with the HAL 4-400/150 LT in 'leading edge' mode with only one lamp it dimmed in a perfectly acceptable and stable manner.”
“We would be happy to dim Lumanor LED lamps with our HAL system in 'leading edge' mode*.”
*Lumanor™ LED lamps should only be used on Focus SB HAL systems in leading-edge mode. Trailing edge mode is not to be used as it will result in an incompatibility and loss of performance.
Tested in-house on Aurora AU-DSP 400X dimming module.
Tested in-house on VPRO 250W Max GLS 1-10 LEDs dimming module.